I was looking on the Forge World site and at the Stone-Crusher carnifex and was wondering if this is even something worth getting other that it looks cool as hell. I don't have a copy of the Imperial Armour that this is in and if anyone could give me some details about that and the wrecking ball weapons. ... That conversion kit was originally ...
اقرأ المزيدStone-Crusher Carnifex. Rippers. 2005. Hierophant. metal Hive Tyrant. Tyrant Guard. Broodlord. Genestealers. Rippers with Spinefists (Genestealers' sprue) Carnifex with Regenerate Biomorph and Crushing Claws. Thornback. Screamer-Killer. Ravener 1. Ravener 2. Lictor. Lictor (Limited Edition, 2005' Tyranid Army Set) …
اقرأ المزيدStone-Crusher Carnifex. I'm opting for a Carnifex. It's no secret that I'm a fan of these Big Bugs. And with the changes in 9th edition, I think that Carnifexes just might be able to make more of an impact in the game than in the previous edition.
اقرأ المزيدThe Stone-Crusher or Carnifex Oprimo, is an adaptation of the Carnifex designed to counter imperial heavy tanks and fortifications. A charging Stone Crusher can topple tanks, damage ceramite armour, and only heavy weaponry is capable of piecing its chitin armour. It was notably used by Hive Fleet Behemoth on Moloch, where a …
اقرأ المزيدStone-crusher Carnifex (Forgeworld) This was a questionable entry when it first hit and now has become a d and bad choice compared to any other CARNIFEX variant from the main codex. Less durable and only available as a single model, the Heavy Support slot is in-demand and I don't think there's any way to justify this in a competitive …
اقرأ المزيدWEBHello folks. I could use some ideas on how to make a carnifex into a stonecrusher. For the rams I will use backspine bits from the crone/harpy kit. Although I …
اقرأ المزيدThe Stone-Crusher or Carnifex Oprimo, is an adaptation of the Carnifex designed to counter imperial heavy tanks and fortifications. A charging Stone Crusher can topple tanks, damage ceramite armour, and only heavy weaponry is capable of piecing its chitin armour. It was notably used by Hive Fleet Behemoth on Moloch, where a stampede of Stone …
اقرأ المزيد