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Research on the performance of seawater sea-sand …

This is attributed to the fact that the undisturbed sea sand undergoes desalination treatment (spraying, soaking, ... FRP bars instead of steel bars to prepare concrete is a new idea and method, and it is also one of the most effective technologies [109], [110], [111]. FRP bars is a non-metallic material, which is a high-performance …

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Research on properties and durability of desalinated sea sand …

Sea sand type chloride salt erosion makes about 60 % of ions more easily to combine cement.Due to the quality of shells and the combination ways of Cl- affect sea sand cement mortar the hydration reaction and cause less compact structures.Mechanical properties and durability decrease.The experiment also complies with this phenomenon …

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A review of treatment technologies for produced water in …

In many industrial processes a large amount of water with high salinity is co-produced whose treatment poses considerable challenges to the available technologies. The produced water (PW) from offshore operations is currently being discharged to sea without treatment for dissolved pollutants due to space limitations.

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Incorporating sea sand into self-compacting concrete: a …

It focuses on assessing the durability of SCC incorporating sea sand through real-time monitoring with the Internet of Things (IoT) and employing artificial intelligence …

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Water | Free Full-Text | Navigating Produced Water

Thirdly, all relevant treatment technologies for PW are systematically explored. In addition, this review highlights the management of PW and suggests treatment options and best practices for the industry, and finally, future research needs and opportunities for sustainable water treatment and effective reuse technologies are …

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Use of sea-sand and seawater in concrete construction: …

This paper presents a critical review of existing studies on the effects of using sea-sand and/or seawater as raw materials of concrete on the propert…

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Sulfate Removal—The Adoption of a Water Treatment Technology by the …

A common theme is the adoption of new water treatment technology by the oil and gas sector. Is the oil and gas industry conservative in its adoption of new technologies and slow in applying new ways of addressing water treatment opportunities, or innovative and willing to take calculated risks to implement new methods in its …

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Underwater Remote Skimming of Slow Sand Filters for …

Slow sand filters (SSF) are a simple water treatment technology providing an important alternative to conventional drinking water treatment. SSF are extensive in terms of carbon cost and chemical u...

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Use of sea-sand and seawater in concrete construction

Strong evidence exists that a combination of mineral admixtures for the concrete and reinforcement with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) can effectively solve the …

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Desalination brine disposal methods and treatment technologies …

Disposal methods and treatment technologies are evaluated. ... (also called 'Persian Gulf'). Results indicated that the Cu, Fe and Cr concentrations in sand and sediments are significantly higher than the concentrations in the shale due to anthropogenic pollution. ... Although most desalination plants are located near sea shores, a ...

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Utilization of seawater and sea sand in concrete for the …

The project's goal is to increase the sustainability of fresh water and M-sand by using seawater and sea sand in concrete and to improve concrete strength by using varied amounts of GGBS with cement. With the use of saltwater sea sand concrete, corrosion of steel reinforcement is imminent. FRP is thus utilized in concrete as …

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Review of technologies for oil and gas produced water treatment

In the North Sea, concentrations of ... Membrane systems can compete with more complex treatment technologies for treating water with high oil content; low mean particle size, and flow rates greater than 150 ... Chemical treatment + aeration + …

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Benefits of using sea sand and seawater in concrete: a …

The use of sea sand and seawater in concrete can provide sustainability to natural resources, while improving the mechanical properties of concrete. The corrosion …

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Properties and Application of Sea Sand in Sea Sand

Previous studies have found that river sand can be replaced in concrete and mortar with other various type of sand which include offshore sand. These studies …

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Removal of microplastics in water: Technology progress and …

In addition, some researchers utilized waste water treatment plants (WWTP) and drinking water treatment plants (DWTP) to investigate the removal of MPs by water treatment technologies such as coagulation, sand filtration, membrane filtration, and ozone oxidation [26].

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Produced Water Solids Separation

In addition to reservoir requirements, the process equipment used in a seawater treatment system can dictate the necessary level of suspended solids removal. We provide filtration systems that can deliver different levels of solids removal to meet specific operational, utility, and space and weight requirements.

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Selection of pretreatment technologies for seawater reverse …

This paper provides a critical review of both conventional and membrane-based pretreatment technologies by presenting water quality issues impacting their performances, critical design characteristics and their impacts on pretreatment selection, non-water quality based selection criteria, and a conceptual decision matrix for selection …

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How Does Sand Filter Water? Exploring the Science and …

Yes, sand filtration is a low-cost and low-maintenance technology that does not require chemicals or specialized equipment, making it an environmentally friendly option for water treatment. 5. What is the difference between slow and rapid sand filtration?

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The present invention discloses a sea sand desalination treatment technique. The treatment technique comprises the steps of a) immersing sea sand into a dechlorinating agent to perform dechlorination of the sea sand; b) separating the sea sand from the dechlorinating agent solution; and c) heating the dechlorinated sea sand.

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Seawater-mixed concretes containing natural and sea sand …

Seawater and sea sand concretes (SW-SS) have been undergoing evaluation as viable alternatives in concrete production. • This review critically evaluates the literature in the relevant research domain and summarizes the effects of salts in seawater and sea sand, on concrete properties.

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Desalination of seawater using integrated microbial biofilm …

The main objective of the present study was to desalinate seawater using Bacillus cereus gravel biofilm and cellulose acetate (CA) membranes with and without silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as a ...

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Mechanical Properties of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete …

Commonly, sea-sand requires desalination treatment to remove the corrosive ions, but this process certainly increases the construction cost. Recently, scholars proposed using fiber-

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Surface innovation for fabrication of superhydrophobic sand …

The treatment of sand grains with Si/FDTS resulted in a lower sliding angle of 9.5°, imparting self-cleaning capabilities and higher hydrophobic efficiency. The modified sea sand grains demonstrated excellent water holding and storage capabilities in long-term experiments, which could be harnessed to improve agriculture in arid regions.

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Japan's Leading Water Treatment Technology and its …

Membrane Treatment Technology. ... This design makes it possible to filter seawater through layers of sand while avoiding both the effects of waves and impacts on fisheries and shipping operations. The water flows into the plant's intake well powered by the difference in water level between the sea surface and the well, and thus the system …

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Developing a Water Treatment Filter by Integrating Slow Sand …

Scarcity of fresh drinking water has become a major concern in various parts of the world recently. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a sustainable polymer (polypropylene) and carbon (activated carbon from coconut shell) based water treatment filter. The filter was made by integrating polypropylene nonwoven fabric on the top of a …

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Development of admixtures on seawater sea sand concrete: …

The results indicate that seawater and sea sand significantly accelerate the setting time of cement and have an early strength effect, but the harmful components in seawater can hinder the later development of concrete strength.

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Application and Development of Chemical Heat Washing Technology …

Oily sludge is a type of bulk hazardous solid waste from various sources that significantly harms the environment. Chemical heat washing of oily sludge represents a large proportion of the treatment technology for oily sludge, which can be used individually and has many applications in joint treatment with other processes.

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Use of sea-sand and seawater in concrete construction: …

This paper presents a critical review of existing studies on the effects of using sea-sand and/or seawater as raw materials of concrete on the properties of the resulting concrete, including its workability, short- and long-term strength as …

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Research progress of soft soil foundation treatment technology

This paper systematically reviews the development of soft soil foundation treatment technology in our country, and emphatically introduces the development process of foundation treatment at home and abroad, especially in our country in recent years, which embodies the cross and comprehensive application of various foundation …

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