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Biodegradable hematite depressants for green flotation …

Depressant plays an important role in the reverse flotation separation of iron ores. • Biodegradable reagents can be effectively used as depressants in reverse hematite flotation. • Polysaccharides and polyphenolics are promising green depressants for hematite. • H-bonding is the most common adsorption mechanism between iron and …

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation of hematite using 18-carbon fatty acids

The results of a number of comparative flotation characteristics of hematite flotation using the 18-carbon fatty acids are summarised in Table 2.The general trend was that the unsaturated fatty acids were stronger collectors for hematite compared with stearic acid, with an increased amount of double bonds/molecule often giving higher flotation …

اقرأ المزيد

AFM and DFT study of depression of hematite in oleate-starch-hematite

The depression of hematite in the reverse flotation system of oleate-starch-hematite was investigated at the atomic level by atomic force microscopy (AFM) combined with density functional theory (DFT).

اقرأ المزيد

Bulk and Surface Characterization of Distinct Hematite

To understand why hematite of different genesis behave diversely in flotation systems, this study assesses the flotation response at pH 5 of bulk …

اقرأ المزيد

A study of flotation characteristics of monazite, hematite, and …

The maximum flotation recovery of monazite (91%) occurred at pH 7, beyond which monazite floatability decreased. Hematite flotation recoveries were higher than that of monazite at pH 3, 5, and 11. However, it can also be observed that the collecting ability ofon quartz mineral was poor, with quartz recovery decreasing with …

اقرأ المزيد

Properties and potential application of ozone-oxidized …

In this study, ozone as an eco-friendly oxidant was employed to improve the depressive performance of starch in the reverse flotation of fine hematite. Micro-flotation results showed that ozone-oxidized starch (OS) better depressed hematite flotation as compared to the native starch (NS).

اقرأ المزيد

Selective Flotation of Quartz from Hematite by Amide …

Considering the better collectability of amide-amine for quartz flotation and lower adsorption affinity for hematite surface than etheramine, the amide-amine is a promising collector to be used in reversal iron ore flotation.

اقرأ المزيد

@ Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam

Currently beneficiation of hematite ores is conducted using either direct flotation (hematite flotation) or indirect flotation (quartz flotation) tech-niques depending upon the nature of …

اقرأ المزيد

Effect of particle size on flotation performance of hematite

The effect of particle size on flotation performance of hematite and quartz was investigated. Microflotation, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, reagent adsorption measurements, and ...

اقرأ المزيد

Biodegradable ether amines for reverse cationic flotation

Cationic reverse flotation could be one of the main alternatives for recovering ultrafine magnetite. As a systematic approach, this study explored the …

اقرأ المزيد

Adsorption mechanism of mixed collector systems on hematite flotation …

Graphical abstract. The adsorption mechanism of mixed cationic C 12 amine and anionic sulphate/oleate collectors was investigated on hematite through Hallimond flotation studies. It is the first time that the hematite flotation results show an increased adsorption of cationic collector in the presence of anionic collector apart from its own co …

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Michigan Technological University Digital Commons

List of Figures Figure 3.1: Simplified flotation-scavenger circuit at Plant A .....42 Figure 3.2: Fine and low-grade hematite ore beneficiation process flowsheet (Mariani and

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Interaction forces between colloidal starch and quartz and hematite …

In this study, we present theoretical and experimental data on the interaction forces between starch and particles of hematite and quartz as well as their implications for flotation and aggregation.

اقرأ المزيد

Molecular dynamics simulation of siderite-hematite-quartz flotation …

It is essential to investigate flotation behavior of siderite-hematite-quartz for processing those iron ores. To this end, flotation of the three pure minerals was carried out in sodium oleate system in this work. Flotation theory mainly consists of flotation solution chemistry, interfacial chemistry and flotation kinetics [18]. All the ...

اقرأ المزيد

Coordination reaction triggered xanthan gum and Fe(III) self …

The cation reverse flotation is a widely used method in improving the grade of iron ore concentrate, but hematite depressant is the key. In this work, the flotation behavior of hematite and quartz using the complex of Fe(III) and xanthan gum (Fe(III)-XG) as depressant was investigated via micro-flotation tests.

اقرأ المزيد

Statistical analysis and optimization of reverse anionic hematite …

Hematite flotation system integrated with nanobubble technology. 2.4. Multivariable design of flotation experiment: After the single factor flotation tests were completed in a previous work and major process parameters and their operational range were identified, statistical evaluation and optimization of reverse nanobubble hematite …

اقرأ المزيد

A review of hematite flotation using 12-carbon chain collectors

The flotation of hematite using sodium dodecyl sulphate showed a high recovery for pH <6, a trough in recovery between pH 7 and 9, and a secondary maximum in recovery at pH 10. Different flotation behaviour was observed when sodium dodecyl benzyl sulphonate was used. Using ARMAC C, (a commercially available dodecyl ammonium …

اقرأ المزيد

Three-phase froth stability in hematite flotation using DDA …

The effect of hematite and quartz with different particle sizes on the three-phase froth stability using dodecylamine (DDA) as a collector was investi…

اقرأ المزيد

Removal of hematite from silica sand ore by reverse flotation technique

Reverse flotation of hematite from a local silica sand ore has been investigated using a batch, bench-scale mechanical flotation cell. The effects of various operating parameters such as type and concentration of collectors, type of acid, pH, conditioning time, solid-in-pulp concentration, particle size and temperature have been …

اقرأ المزيد

Selective separation mechanism of hematite from quartz by …

Reverse flotation desilication with anionic collector sodium oleate (OL) and activator Ca 2+ is a common beneficiation method to purify hematite. Herein, the separation mechanism of hematite and quartz were systematically investigated by experiments and DFT calculations with the effect of surface hydroxylation fully considered.

اقرأ المزيد

Design and flotation performance of a novel hydroxy …

Based on the surface difference of hematite and quartz in solution, a hydroxyl-containing polyamine cationic surfactant was designed and screened with the assistant of computer simulation (molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory (DFT) calculation) to enhance the separation efficiency in the reverse …

اقرأ المزيد

Curdlan as a new depressant of hematite for quartz-hematite …

In this work, the flotation behavior of hematite and quartz by curdlan in quartz-hematite reverse flotation separation and the selective depression mechanism of hematite were systematically studied through a series of experiments. On the basis of these results, we have drawn the following conclusions. 1.

اقرأ المزيد

Green hematite depression for reverse selective flotation

Reverse cationic flotation is currently the main processing technique for upgrading fine hematite from silicates. Flotation is known as an efficient method of mineral enrichment that deals with ...

اقرأ المزيد

Ultrasonic treatment improves the performance of starch as …

The current study found that the use of ultrasound-treated starch in the flotation separation of fine hematite and quartz better alleviated the loss of hematite to the froth products by, imparting higher surface wettability of hematite, and reducing the degree of entrainment of hematite. It was also revealed that ultrasonic treatment of starch ...

اقرأ المزيد

Green hematite depression for reverse selective flotation

Reverse cationic flotation is currently the main processing technique for upgrading fine hematite from silicates. Flotation is known as an efficient method of …

اقرأ المزيد

Three-phase froth stability in hematite flotation using DDA …

Three-phase froth stability experiments confirmed that quartz particles can remarkably enhance the froth stability, and the finer the particle size, the more stable the …

اقرأ المزيد

Shear flocculation and flotation of hematite using sodium …

The separation of ultrafine ( < 10 μm) hematite from quartz using sodium oleate as a selective flocculant has been investigated. The main factors affe…

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation of hematite using 18-carbon fatty acids

Highlights • Saturated 18-carbon fatty acids are not effective as flotation reagents for hematite. • Unsaturated 18-carbon fatty acids are effective collectors for …

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A comparative study between the adsorption mechanisms …

A comparative study between the adsorption mechanisms of sodium co-silicate and conventional depressants for the reverse anionic hematite flotation

اقرأ المزيد

Solution chemistry of carbonate minerals and its effects …

Abstract: The effects of carbonate minerals (dolomite and siderite) on the flotation of hematite using sodium oleate as a collector were in- vestigated through flotation tests, supplemented by dissolution measurements, solution chemistry calculations, zeta …

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