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Karst away

Rock aggregates are vital for all construction projects. In northern Alberta, aggregates are especially important for oil sands mining operations, where they are used for base material under roads and building foundations, as composite materials for concrete, and in drainage applications (e.g., French drains). However, high quality rock and granular deposits, …

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3-D ground‐penetrating radar applied to fracture imaging

Three‐dimensional, ground‐penetrating radar (georadar) techniques suitable for geological engineering applications have been developed and tested. Initial experiments were conducted on the floor of a quarry in southern Switzerland from which ornamental gneissic rock is extracted. During a brief two‐day period, constant‐offset georadar data …

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Fracture aperture and fill characterization in a limestone …

Solid geology in the site (figure 3a) consists of Carboniferous limestone, in particular the Great Scar Limestone group including the Gordale and Cove formations, seen in the …

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Radar imaging of fractures and voids behind the walls of

ABSTRACT Two- and three-dimensional rock-penetrating-radar data were acquired on the wall of a pillar in an underground limestone mine. The objective was to test the ability of radar to image fractures and karst voids and to characterize their geometry, aperture, and fluid content, with the goal of mitigating mining hazards. Strong radar reflections in the …

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Karst away

Karst away - Geophysical surveys for resource development of a limestone quarry. May 2019. DOI: 10.4133/sageep.32-035. Conference: Symposium …

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Karst away

Summary We show how high-resolution seismic refraction and ERT surveys effectively map complex geology, including karst dissolution features, at a limestone quarry. We show how the results are used to optimize borehole drilling programs and mine expansion plans.

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Investigating fracture–cracked systems with geophysical …

Imaging the subsurface with geophysical methods and routing the quarry have been performed by the quarry management to prevent his losses in terms of time and cost. High-resolution images may be effectively obtained by ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) methods. ... Travertine is a form of …

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Electrical and electromagnetic surveys to locate possible …

Water seepage to ground surface at a limestone quarry located at Wadi Garawy about 20 km southeast of Helwan city in Egypt posed a real threat to the mining activity at the quarry. ... is known to be very dry for decades and away from water utilities and infrastructures that may cause water leaks to the quarry. Geophysical investigation ...

اقرأ المزيد

Karst away

Request PDF | On May 27, 2019, Alastair McClymont and others published Karst away - Geophysical surveys for resource development of a limestone quarry | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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Ambiguities in Geophysical interpretation during fracture …

Request PDF | Ambiguities in Geophysical interpretation during fracture detection-case study from a limestone quarry (Lower Silesia Region, Poland) | Geophysical studies were conducted over a ...

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Electrical and electromagnetic surveys to locate possible

Water seepage to ground surface at a limestone quarry located at Wadi Garawy about 20 km south-east of Helwan city in Egypt posed a real threat to the mining activity at the quarry. The quarry area is known to be very dry for decades and away from water utilities and infrastructures that may cause water leaks to the quarry. …

اقرأ المزيد


At the Zoforoi limestone quarry, an integrated survey was carried out using electrical tomography and ground penetrating radar. One of the purposes of the survey was the comparison of the results ...

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A radio magnetotelluric study to evaluate the extents of a limestone …

ABSTRACT Electromagnetic signals from distant radio transmitters in the frequency range 15–250 kHz were measured to model an electrical resistivity structure beneath 7 profiles in the vicinity of the Karinu limestone quarry in Estonia with the aim to map the extent of the economically exploitable limestone. The resistivity models from a …

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The investigated limestone quarry is located about 35 Km and 12 Km to the southeastern of Cairo and Helwan cities respectively. ... the most important geophysical technique for groundwater ...

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shibang/sbm geophysics for limestone quarry.md at master

shibang / sbm geophysics for limestone quarry.md. dushusbm c4a532c29b code. 19:24:26 +08:00. 29 KiB Raw ...

اقرأ المزيد

Karst away

Here, we show how a combination of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys, high-resolution seismic refraction surveys, and boreholes have been used to map limestone units and karst dissolution structures to depths of up to 100 metres (m) below ground surface (mbgs), at a limestone quarry expansion project in northern Alberta.

اقرأ المزيد

Limestone: Commodity Overview | Geology for Investors

Limestone quarry at Robben Island – dating back to mid-17th Century CC BY 2.0 Meraj Chhaya on flickr. Limestone is a relatively common sedimentary rock formed from remains of marine organisms such as coral or other invertebrates. Marble is limestone that has been recrystallized through metamorphism and in many applications are …

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Full article: Application of geoelectrical measurements for detecting

Application of geoelectrical measurements for detecting the ground-water seepage in clay quarry at Helwan, southeastern Cairo, Egypt Footnote. Peer review under responsibility of National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics.

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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a fast geophysical method that allows precise and effective recognition of geological formations below the surface. Dry or moder-ately wet …

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Karst away

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Karst away - Geophysical surveys for resource development of a limestone quarry" by A. McClymont et al.

اقرأ المزيد

(PDF) Application of geoelectrical measurements for detecting the

Application of geoelectrical measurements for detecting the ground-water seepage in clay quarry at Helwan, southeastern Cairo, Egypt ... sources for this water are from Eocene limestone and ...

اقرأ المزيد

Cave Detection in Limestone using Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is becoming a more common component of the standard array of geophysical techniques that are used by archaeologists. In…

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Some geophysical methods, such as gamma-ray spectrometry and remote sensing, measure surface attributes; others, such as thermal and some electrical methods are …

اقرأ المزيد

Environmental Geophysics of a limestone aquifer in

This study utilizes electromagnetic conductivity (EM) using the Geonics EM-34 unit to characterize the limestone aquifer surrounding a quarry area in Western Maryland (Garrett County, Hoye's Run ...

اقرأ المزيد

Delineating the Subsurface: Using Surface Geophysics to …

The objective of this study was to apply several methods of near-surface geophysical analysis to a stream loss problem near a limestone quarry, ultimately to distinguish between solution cavities containing air, sediment and water in order to best delineate groundwater flow paths.

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Combined Geophysical Techniques used for …

Identified penetrative features observed in the combined geophysical data sets successfully identified faults and fractures that were used for siting de-watering wells, and general quarry layout. ERI and seismic refraction …

اقرأ المزيد

GPR Study of a Thrust-Fault in an Active Limestone Quarry …

ABSTRACT After conducting a successful GPR pilot study in a tectonically complex area of the Karst Thrust Edge, a follow-up study was carried out. In the pilot study, the geometry and spatial extent of the Socerb thrust-fault, which separates limestone above from flysch below, were investigated using a 50 MHz antenna in the Črnotiče quarry. After one part …

اقرأ المزيد

Cave Detection in Limestone using Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is becoming a more common component of the standard array of geophysical techniques that are used by archaeologists. In this …

اقرأ المزيد

Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Marble …

The stream bounds the pit of the Deep Creek limestone quarry, operated by Keystone Lime Company. ... Our study shows that surface geophysics coupled with hydrologic and geologic analysis can ...

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