CPS Products is a world leader in the design and manufacture of tools, instruments and service equipment for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration systems. Recently CPS has been aggressively growing its portfolio of Professional Service Technician Products through a combination of organic new product development and complementary acquisitions.
اقرأ المزيدCPS Australia is centrally located in Adelaide, South Australia and supports a full range of CPS HVAC/R and automotive products including UView, Motorvac, Terraclean and Star brands of chemicals, fluid exchange machines and automotive leak detection equipment.
اقرأ المزيدThank you for purchasing the CPS Mach 7 AR2788S series unit. CPS is dedicated to give you the fastest and most reliable equipment to meet all your mobile A/C service requirements. In doing this CPS has integrated its latest technology and incorporated state of the art features while improving reliability and speed under the new SAE J2788 …
اقرأ المزيدSpecialty AC Tools; Temperature Tools; AC Equipment. Recover – Recycle – Recharge Machines ... MSX3030 One Machine For Multiple Refrigerants R-134a/R-1234yf. Experience the pinnacle of refrigerant management with the MSX3030, setting a new standard in Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling, and Recharge (R) Management Centers. …
اقرأ المزيدCPS MX3030 MAXXAIR™ REFRIGERANT MANAGEMENT CENTRE <p>This dual refrigerant A/C Machine provides full YF recovery, recycle, and recharge capabilities and can convert from a R-1234yf to an R-134a to service a sudden increase in demand or replace a non-working R-134a machine. The MX3030 recovery mac : Shop and save at …
اقرأ المزيدBUILT INTO ONE MACHINE E˜ciently Recover, Recycle, and Recharge your Customer's Automotive A/C Systems with a unit that can serve ALL refrigerant types. If you're considering 1234yf units, get the best of both ... CPS reserves the right to make changes to, or discontinue any product or service identified in thispublication
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