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Motheo Profile Product: Copper concentrate (containing a silver by-product credits) Processing rate: Initially 3.2Mtpa with further expansion approved and under construction to 5.2Mtpa Mine life: ~10 years Location: Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana about 70 kilometres from the town of Ghanzi Mining method: Open pit mining using conventional …

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Mining Licence Application | Government of Botswana

Download, complete the Mining License Application Form V (a) or Mining License Application Form V (b) (renewal) and submit to the nearest office. Obtain a Prospecting Licence from Department of Mines. Conduct a Bankable Feasibility Study on the mining and processing the mineral deposit discovered.

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BCL – BCM, Botswana Chamber of Mines, Mining and Exploration

The Botswana Chamber of Mines is an organisation established to serve the interests of the mining and exploration companies together with associated industries. The mining industry remains the main driver of economic activity in the country and is forecasted to sustain the economy further into the future.

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Mining in Botswana | SpringerLink

Predating the discovery of diamonds, modern mining towns in Botswana began over a century ago when gold was discovered in Francistown. During the 1950s and early 1960s, mining activities entailed gold, manganese, and asbestos production. However, the scale of operations was small relative to the present.

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Gearing up to Uranium Mining, Botswana Establishes …

Gaborone, Botswana – What do elephant dung and gold mine tailings have in common? Both provide excellent samples to establish the level of naturally occurring radioactivity in Botswana's efforts to define baseline levels for background radiation as the country gets ready to license its first ever uranium mine.

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Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM)

The mining sector is dominated by diamonds. As reserves begin to dwindle, we talk to Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) about diversification.

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Botswana Mining Investment and Governance Review

The Botswana Mining Investment and Governance Review (MInGov) collects and shares information on mining sector governance, its attractiveness to investors, and how it …

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BOTSWAA MIERAL ACCOTS TECICAL REPORT 1 • This Mineral Accounts report, provides updates on Diamonds, Gold, Coal, and Soda Ash & Salt mining; the major mined minerals in Botswana for 2017/18.

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Where are Diamonds Found? Spotlight on Botswana …

As of 2023, Botswana is the world's largest producer of diamonds by value and second largest producer of diamonds by volume. Some of the world's largest diamonds have been found here. Diamonds help build Botswana's infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, support leadership, and combat diseases such as AIDS. In this …

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Botswana profile

2004 August - Workers at Botswana's largest diamond-mining company strike over pay, after a court rules that such action is illegal. Some 1,000 workers are sacked.

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Botswana major operating mines have a longer life of mine led by soda ash mining at 61 years, followed by coal 43 years, then diamonds 38 years and finally gold that reports 6 …

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Mining in Botswana

Predating the discovery of diamonds, modern mining towns in Botswana began over a century ago when gold was discovered in Francistown. During the 1950s …

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Lucara's -owned Karowe Diamond Mine, located in Botswana, has been in production since 2012 and is one of worlds' foremost producers of large, Type IIA diamonds in excess of 10.8 carats.

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AMS Botswana – BCM, Botswana Chamber of Mines, Mining …

The Botswana Chamber of Mines is an organisation established to serve the interests of the mining and exploration companies together with associated industries.

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Botswana enjoys three main sources of mining income: base metals, coal and, most iconically, diamonds.

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Botswana – De Beers Group

Damtshaa, which means 'water for tortoises' in Sesarwa, opened in 2003 and is the newest mine of Debswana, our joint venture with the people of Botswana. The mine is located …

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Motheo Copper Project, Botswana

The Motheo Copper Project is an open-pit mine being developed in Western Botswana by Sandfire Resources, a mining and exploration company based in Australia. ... A 14km-long, 132kV overhead transmission line transmits power to the substation located adjacent to the processing plant.

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Khoemacau Copper-Silver Project, North-west, Botswana

Khoemacau copper-silver project is a 4,040 square kilometer (km²) mineral concession located in north-west Botswana. Zone 5 is the prominent deposit among the several …

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Botswana Metals Ltd reveals lithium potential on existing licenses

Botswana Metals Ltd has revealed lithium and tantalum exploration potential on its existing licenses, with the company therefore able to accelerate the next steps. What lifts the prospectivity of BML's licenses are that they are located in the Limpopo Mobile Belt (LMZ), which contains similar Archean rocks to those that host one of the world largest Lithium …

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The Future of Mining Summit to solidify Botswana's quest …

The Future of Mining Summit is poised to establish itself as Botswana's foremost mining conference. Noteworthy for its participation of industry leaders, senior government officials, and key stakeholders, the event promises to be a significant gathering in the mining sector.

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Morupule Coal Mine (MCM), initially known as Morupule Colliery, was established in 1973 as a subsidiary of Anglo American Corporation. MCM has grown from a 30 thousand tonnes per annum via conventional drilling and blasting operation, to a single section 1mtpa continuous miner operation in 2005.

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List of Mines in Botswana

List of Mines in Botswana. What is Mines? Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the Earth, usually from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef, or placer deposit.

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Mining in Botswana

And 80% of the mining manpower are employed in two mining companies of Debswana (merger between De Beers Pty Ltd and Botswana Government) and BCL. The country has huge deposits of diamond, copper, coal, cobalt, gold, salt, soda ash, nickel and uranium.

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Debswana | About Us

Debswana is the largest private sector e mployer in Botswana, with 5527 staff members, as at November 2021. Most of these employees are mainly found at mining sites, along with over 5 000 fixed-term contractors and a small staff complement at the Debswana Corporate Centre in Gaborone, Botswana's capital.

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Mining in Botswana

Mining in Botswana Thando D. Gwebu* Department of Environmental Science, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana ... of s and individuals with incomes below the poverty datum line has continued to fall (NDP10: 40). In addition, access to public services, notably education, health services, and clean

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Untapped mineral prospects to drive investment in Botswana

In line with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ideals, the policy outlines the government's role in mineral resource management, ... In the long-term, the Botswana mining production is projected to trend around 3.00 percent in 2023 and 4.00 percent in 2024, ...

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Overview. Botswana's mining industry continues to be a global mining stalwart, especially diamond mining – Botswana is the world's leading producer of …

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Addressing the inaugural Women in Mining Pitso in Palapye on Thursday, Minister Lefoko Moagi said that in line with Botswana agenda on women empowerment, following a noticeable gender disproportion in the sector, the ministry would facilitate, nurture and sustain the growth and development of the Women in Mining Association …

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Khoemacau Copper-Silver Project, North-west, Botswana

Khoemacau copper-silver project is a high-grade project being developed in Botswana, Africa by Khoemacau Copper Mining, a subsidiary of Cupric Canyon.

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Botswana Mining Industry Features | Mining Outlook

Discover the diamond-rich terrain of Botswana, where mining plays a pivotal role in the country's economy and development. Our exclusive articles provide insights into Botswana's diamond industry, regulatory framework, and efforts towards sustainable mining practices. Explore the opportunities and challenges facing mining in …

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