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The flotation separation of scheelite from calcite using a …

Thus, the present review article also collates the surface properties and various reagent systems developed towards enhancing the flotation selectivity of scheelite particles. Further, the present communication critically reviews the flotation separation of the wolframite mineral system for the first time.

اقرأ المزيد

Froth flotation of scheelite – A review | Semantic Scholar

With the depletion of easily mined and separated wolframite, scheelite has become the primary source of tungsten. Flotation is the primary technique used to enrich scheelite.

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Production of Metallic Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide from …

The development of sulfide-based chemistry and physical separation in the last decade opens new processes to produce metals at the industrial scale. Herein, a new route to produce metallic tungsten and tungsten carbides particles from natural wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 and scheelite CaWO4 is presented. Sulfidation of mineral concentrates …

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Flotation chemistry of scheelite and its practice: A …

The flotation separation of scheelite, which is hindered by its interface similarity with calcium-containing minerals, remains a worldwide challenge. Achieving …

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Effect of Pb(II) on the flotation behavior of scheelite using …

The activation of scheelite and wolframite by lead nitrate with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collector was investigated by means of micro flotation test, zeta potential measurement, X-ray…

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Sulfonated brown coal: A novel depressant for the selective flotation …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Sulfonated brown coal: A novel depressant for the selective flotation of scheelite from calcite" by Xu Wang et al.

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Flotation separation depressants for scheelite and calcium

Abstract. Owing to the depletion of wolframite, the focus of tungsten extraction has gradually shifted to scheelite. However, separating the associated …

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Study on the Activation of Scheelite and Wolframite by …

The activation of scheelite and wolframite by lead nitrate with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collector was investigated by means of micro flotation test, zeta potential measurement, X-ray ...

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Collecting performance of vegetable oils in scheelite flotation …

The composition of a collector directly affects its collecting performance in mineral flotation. In this study, three vegetable oils were used as the collectors, the flotation performance of scheelite and the differential analysis were studied through flotation experiments, zeta potential, contact angle measurement and Fourier transform …

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Reuse of mine and ore washing wastewater in scheelite flotation …

This paper describes an economical and eco-friendly technology that utilises carbide slag to treat mine and ore washing wastewater (MOW) and reuses the treated wastewater in a scheelite flotation circuit.

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Thermodynamic theory of flotation for a complex …

The flotation of complex solid–liquid multiphase systems involve interactions among multiple components, the core problem facing flotation theory. Meanwhile, the combined use of multicomponent flotation reagents to improve mineral flotation has become an important issue in studies on the efficient use of refractory …

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Effects and Mechanisms of Grinding Media on the Flotation …

In this study, ceramic ball (CB) and cast iron ball (CIB), two representative grinding media, were chosen to investigate the effects and mechanisms of grinding media on the flotation behavior of scheelite. The results of pure scheelite flotation show that scheelite ground by CB has a better floatability than that ground by CIB.

اقرأ المزيد

The relative solubilities of wolframite and scheelite in …

The modeling results indicate that scheelite is more soluble than hübnerite and ferberite under most W-mineralizing conditions (300–400 °C, 500–1500 bars, and …

اقرأ المزيد

Research Progress with Scheelite Flotation Reagents: A Review

With the depletion of easily mined and separated wolframite, scheelite has become the primary source of tungsten. Flotation is the primary technique used to enrich scheelite. However, flotation separation of scheelite from calcium-bearing gangue minerals, such as calcite and fluorite, has always been challenging due to their similar …

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Selective adsorption of soluble starch on the

Tungsten and tin are important strategic resources. Scheelite and cassiterite have similar physical and chemical properties and face the challenge of flotation separation. This study proposes soluble starch (SS) as an effective depressant for the flotation separation of scheelite from cassiterite.

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Wolframite is defined as the principal ore mineral of tungsten, commonly found in association with tin ore in granite rocks. It is an iron manganese tungsten oxide mineral with a dark gray to brown-black color, high specific gravity, and is a key source of tungsten used in various industrial applications.

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation chemistry of scheelite and its practice: A …

However, chelate collectors that can achieve better flotation of scheelite have a weak collecting capacity for scheelite; hence, the mixed flotation of scheelite and wolframite faces large technical problems (Foucaud et al., 2020, Yang, 2018).

اقرأ المزيد

Study on the Activation of Scheelite and Wolframite by Lead …

The activation of scheelite and wolframite by lead nitrate with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collector was investigated by means of micro flotation …

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation separation depressants for scheelite and calcium …

Owing to the depletion of wolframite, the focus of tungsten extraction has gradually shifted to scheelite. However, separating the associated minerals (e.g., apatite, fluorite, and calcite) and scheelite is challenging because their surface physicochemical properties are similar to those of scheelite. Fortunately, researchers have made …

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Innovative application of sodium tripolyphosphate for the flotation …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Innovative application of sodium tripolyphosphate for the flotation separation of scheelite from calcite" by Wang Xu et al.

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Research on flotation mechanism of wolframite activated by Pb(II…

Wolframite and scheelite are two critical sources of tungsten. At present, flotation is an efficient mineral processing method to recover tungsten ores of low grade and fine grain. Fatty acid is usually used as a collector of scheelite but has weak effects on wolframite flotation.

اقرأ المزيد

Activation effect of lead ions on scheelite flotation: …

Activation effect of lead ions on scheelite flotation: Adsorption mechanism, AFM imaging and adsorption model. Author links open overlay panel Liuyang Dong, Fen Jiao ... A recent study revealed that lead ions can be adsorbed onto the surfaces of scheelite and wolframite to enhance their flotation recovery using benzohydroxamic …

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation performance of anisic hydroxamic acid as new …

In order to improve the recovery of tungsten ores containing tin minerals, anisic hydroxamic acid (p-methoxy benzohydroxanic acid, PMOB) was synthesized and introduced as novel collector in the flotation of scheelite, wolframite and cassiterite. The flotation performance and adsorption mechanism were investigated by micro/batch …

اقرأ المزيد

Froth Flotation of Tungsten Ore

Scheelite (CaWO4) and Wolframite ((Fe,Mn)WO4) are the principal minerals of tungsten, but other important minerals include ferberite (FeWO4) and huebnerite (MnWO4) will also respond to froth flotation.The high specific gravity of these minerals makes many of these ores amenable to gravity concentration methods, however, the …

اقرأ المزيد

Flotation separation depressants for scheelite and calcium …

Download Citation | Flotation separation depressants for scheelite and calcium-bearing minerals: A review | Owing to the depletion of wolframite, the focus of tungsten extraction has gradually ...

اقرأ المزيد

Study on the Activation of Scheelite and Wolframite by …

The activation of scheelite and wolframite by lead nitrate with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collector was investigated by means of micro flotation test, zeta potential measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses and density functional theory (DFT) calculation. The flotation results confirmed that the …

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Wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 Mineral Depositions In Nigeria

Scheelite concentrates which are also in the mined Wolframite are removed by the method of gravimetric and can be combined with froth flotation. To get the main ore which is …

اقرأ المزيد

A Highly Selective Metal–Organic Complex Collector for …

In the industrial production of scheelite flotation, the flotation process includes roughing and cleaning flotation, which is long and complicated. ... A study of interactions and flotation of wolframite with octyl hydroxamate. Miner Eng 10(6):623–633. Article CAS Google Scholar ... Nigeria. Alafara Abdullahi Baba . University of …

اقرأ المزيد

Research Progress with Scheelite Flotation Reagents: A Review

With the depletion of easily mined and separated wolframite, scheelite has become the primary source of tungsten. Flotation is the primary technique used to enrich scheelite.

اقرأ المزيد

Improvement Effect of FeSO4·7H2O on Flotation …

Scheelite (CaWO 4) is an important mineral for extracting tungsten and usually associated with fluorite in Chinese scheelite deposits.1,2 The utilization of refractory scheelite deposits wolframite resources that can be easily separated via the gravity method and are almost depleted has become important. Conventional flotation practice for ...

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