Neyrtec Mineral. Specialist in wet process for mineral processing, NEYRTEC MINERAL is a process engineering company and an equipment supplier specializing in raw materials preparation, hydraulic classification, solid / liquid separation and agitation. NEYRTEC MINERAL has designed, developed and optimized a complete range of reliable and high ...
اقرأ المزيدSpécialiste du traitement en voie humide pour la valorisation de minerais, NEYRTEC MINERAL est une ingénierie process et un équipementier spécialisé dans la préparation des matériaux, la classification hydraulique, la séparation solide/liquide et l'agitation. NEYRTEC MINERAL a conçu, développé et optimisé une gamme complète d ...
اقرأ المزيدNEYRTEC MINERAL is a process engineering company and an equipment manufacturer, specialized in the dressing and hydraulic classification, water clarification, muds thickening and agitation. NEYRTEC MINERAL is the owner of a full equipment's range, reliable and efficient which efficiency has been improved since its creation. NEYRTEC MINERAL ...
اقرأ المزيد