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(PDF) New insights into the production of sustainable synthetic …

In this study, a novel technique for producing synthetic aggregates using industrial by-products was experimentally investigated. Taguchi method is used to identify the optimum mix design ...

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A comparative analysis on the effects of pumice, tuff and …

The use of new generation composite mortars has recently gained importance. Composite mortars pose a new challenge ... with so many different aggregate derivatives. These include natural originated materials, half synthetic or artificial aggre-gate derivatives, providing wall compatibility, reversibility ...

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Construction and demolition waste as recycled aggregate …

Recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) instead of natural aggregates (NA) were analysed in the manufacture of new eco-friendly concrete. Fine (FRA) and coarse (CRA) recycled aggregates were used in different percentages as substitutes of natural sand and gravel, respectively. The results revealed that the use of …

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A novel strategy for generating mesoscale asphalt

On the other hand, the absence of a compacting process during model generation can result in significantly different orientations of aggregates compared to real asphalt concrete. Consequently, the generated aggregate packing structures differ considerably from those observed in real asphalt concrete.

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Different soluble aggregates of Aβ42 can give rise to

Here, we find that soluble aggregates formed at different stages of the aggregation process of amyloid beta (Aβ42) induce the disruption of lipid bilayers and an inflammatory response to ...

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Modified Mineral xide Aggregate—A Versatile Dental …

Mineral xide Aggregate (MTA) has been a material of revolution in the field of dentistry since its introduction in the 1990s. It is being extensively used for perforation repairs, apexification, root-end filling, obturation, tooth fracture repair, ...

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The 2024 Guide to Data Aggregation (+ Tools and Examples)

Data aggregation is a crucial process in the world of data analysis, enabling you to combine and summarize large volumes of data from diverse sources to gain meaningful insights and make informed decisions. ... Aggregate data at different time intervals, such as hourly or daily, ... Automate report generation to save time and …

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This article provides a review on synthetic aggregates observes of many by-product materials from various industries. In the present scenario, the dumping issues of factory-made sources like fly ...

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Review Plastic-based sustainable synthetic aggregate in …

The current paper put forwards a comprehensive and detailed review of the previous studies conducted to evaluate the effect of sustainable synthetic aggregate …

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Uranium-free X solution: a new generation contrast agent …

With a full characterization in our hands, we designed the possible staining solution (X Solution) as a specific LnPOM and we moved deep into its application to biological specimens.

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Production of Green Synthetic Lightweight Aggregate and …

The process of making GSLA using a compression press involves mixing plastic waste with additives to form a homogenised mixture, compressing the mixture, heating, melting, cooling the composite and finally grinding the composite to form green synthetic lightweight aggregates. The process of producing GSLA using this technique …

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A method to create a synthetic population with social …

First to demonstrate the re-usability and generalizablity of our synthetic population in different modeling languages and platforms. ... Figure 2 shows the workflow of our synthetic population generation method along with the data and code packages ... surviving agents flee damaged buildings and create new social groups in the process of ...

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Synthetic genomics: a new venture to dissect genome …

We define synthetic genomics to be a new field where biology is being engineered at the genome level, and it is an intersection of synthetic biology and systems biology. This review neither aims to discuss assembly methods nor the dual-use character of synthetic genomics.

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Preparing Synthetic Aβ in Different Aggregation States

Preparing Synthetic Aβ in Different Aggregation States. W. Blaine Stine, Lisa ... Oligomer preparations are defined using a variety of different methods, including neurotoxic activities, isolation techniques (primarily size exclusion chromatography (SEC)), size estimation such as by SDS or native PAGE, imaging techniques, and reactivity with ...

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Generative AI for Synthetic Data Generation: Methods, …

Comprehensive surveys for Generative AI and LLMs exist, each revisits related works from a different perspective: Generative AI surveys provide a holistic view of this area starting from Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to ChatGPT and models developed for synthetic data generation in the past decade, with a special focus on …

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Unconstrained generation of synthetic antibody–antigen

The Absolut! framework can generate synthetic three-dimensional antibody–antigen structures to assist machine learning and dataset construction for antibody design. Most importantly, the ...

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About – Synthetic Aggregate INC.

Synthetic Aggregate is an innovative company that is dedicated to revolutionizing the construction industry by providing environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional stone aggregates. ... Our dedication to protecting and preserving the planet for future generations is commendable, and our work serves as an example for other industries ...

اقرأ المزيد

Synthetic Aggregates: Their Role in the Production of Smart Infrastructures

A new generation of synthetic aggregates have been developed in recent years making them of various waste and industrial by-products like fly ash, paper pulp, municipal solid waste, power plant solid waste, saw dust, rice husk ash, granite powder iron ore dust, etc.

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Advanced Techniques for Generating Synthetic Data

Differentially Private Synthetic Data: By integrating differential privacy into the data generation process, synthetic datasets can be produced in a way that protects individual data points from re-identification, thus maintaining the privacy of …

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Synthetic Aggregates: Their Role in the Production of Smart …

A new generation of synthetic aggregates have been developed in recent years making them of various waste and industrial by-products like fly ash, paper pulp, municipal solid …

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How to Generate Synthetic Data: Tools and …

Automotive and Robotics - leveraging synthetic data to create simulated environments for training robots, self-driving car software, and even testing safety and crash prevention technologies. Synthetic …

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Mineral xide Aggregates (MTA) in Dentistry: A Review on …

The objective of the current review article is (i) To help people to come across and to understand the various Mineral xide Aggregates (MTA)-like silicate-based materials, including their chemistry and synthesis, (ii) To undertake an exhaustive review of five different synthesis techniques along with their mechanisms and the various MTA …

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Synthetic Data — key benefits, types, generation methods, …

In the financial sector, fraud detection and protection are very critical. New fraudulent cases can be examined with the help of synthetic data. Synthetic data enables data professionals to access the use of centrally recorded data while still maintaining the confidentiality of the data.

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Light and carbon: Synthetic biology toward new …

The "design-build-test-learn" cycle of synthetic biology is a model for an engineering workflow used to create new biological behavior and is made up of the following components: 1) a chassis/host cell with a characterized genome; 2) standardized biological parts compatible with the host; 3) genome editing to introduce biological parts …

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Utilization of construction and demolition waste and synthetic

The construction and demolition waste aggregate could be reused in concrete mixes. • Different methods were used to improve the performance of recycled aggregate. • Carbonation is the best method for improving the performance of this aggregate. • The synthetic aggregate could be also used in some types of concrete …

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Synthetic Aggregates: Their Role in the Production of …

A new generation of synthetic aggregates have been developed ... The results showed that synthetic aggregate has 31.8% lower value than the natural aggregate for crushing and ... the entire damage process. A different way to obtain a signal back from concrete structures was developed by Wenhao et al. [10] who produced ...

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Market Ancillary Services and Small Generation Aggregators …

Small Generation Aggregators may now choose to provide contingency market ancillary services. Small Generation Aggregators are market participants that supply energy aggregated from multiple generation sources. These generation sources must be exempt from registering as a generator and are usually under 5MW each.

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Artificial Aggregate

Clinker was the first synthetic aggregate to be used, but production has now ceased in the UK as the new coal-burning power stations use pulverised fuel, which produces a residue of 25 per cent furnace-bottom ash and 75 per cent pulverised-fuel ash (section 16.7.5).

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Mini Review Synthetic Aggregates: Their Role in the

This study is regarding the review of the production, evolution and potential uses of advanced aggregates based on waste and/or industrial by-products for the …

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Brain tumor image generation using an aggregation of GAN …

In this work, we have proposed a new model for synthetic medical data generation called AGGrGAN. It uses the advantage of selecting distributed features across the multiple latent representations ...

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