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The influence of soil properties on the individual and competitive …

The influence of soil properties on the individual and competitive sorption and desorption of Cu and Cd. Author links open overlay panel Beatriz Cerqueira, Emma F. Covelo, Luisa Andrade, Flora A. Vega. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. ... against the concentration of the metal in solution following desorption ...

اقرأ المزيد

Review on solvent desorption study from exhausted adsorbent

It breaks the bond between adsorbent-adsorbate and; liberate adsorbate from solution. Thereafter, this treated adsorbent is further undergone adsorption process. In desorption process, certain solution or solvent is called eluting agent. Desorption process is conducted by either batch or column treatment.

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Desorption of heavy metals from metal loaded sorbents …

This review explains desorption of heavy metals from metal loaded adsorbents and regeneration of adsorbents. Various desorbing eluents and their utilization in desorption of certain metals are compiled along with the techniques and setups followed to achieve better recovery and regeneration rates.

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Competitive adsorption of CO2, N2, and CH4 in coal-derived …

Competitive adsorption favors CO (_2) over CH (_4) and N (_2), especially at elevated temperatures. The adsorption of all gases exhibited isosteric …

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Competitive adsorption and desorption of three antibiotics …

Download Citation | Competitive adsorption and desorption of three antibiotics in distinct soil aggregate size fractions | Multiple antibiotics that are used in veterinary medicine coexist in ...

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Specific Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Soils: Individual …

Competitive Adsorption and Desorption Experiments The second adsorption experiment was conducted with three soil samples (S1, S6 and S7 in Table1) as they di er in soil pH and TC and clay contents.

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Copper and Zinc Competitive Adsorption: Desorption in …

The behavior in competitive adsorption-desorption reactions of Cu and Zn was studied in four calcareous soils. Cu and Zn were added to the soil by Cu, Zn, and Cu+Zn sulfate solutions in a CaSO4 background. Soil sorption of these cations was described by equilibrium isotherms that fitted either Freundlich- or Langmuir type …

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11. Wastewater Treatment Plant and Marine Outfall of La …

The plant will benefit approximately 2,655,220 people located in Lima´s southern neighborhoods of Villa El Salvador, Miraflores, Barranco, Chorrillos, Santiago de Surco …

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Competitive sorption and desorption of cadmium and …

To assess the competitive sorption and desorption of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), batch equilibrium experiments were performed using single- and binary-metal solutions in surface samples of three paddy soils from eastern China. Sorption isotherms were well fitted with one-metal and competitive Langmuir equation for single- and …

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Single and ternary competitive adsorption-desorption and degradation …

The widespread usage of veterinary antibiotics results in antibiotic contamination and increases environmental risks. This study was evaluated the single and ternary competitive adsorption-desorption and degradation of three amphenicol antibiotics (AMs): chloramphenicol (CAP), thiamphenicol (TAP), and florfenicol (FF) in …

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Competitive sorption and desorption of cadmium, lead, …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Competitive sorption and desorption of cadmium, lead, and zinc onto peat, compost, and biochar." by Jacqueline Zanin Lima et al.

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Competitive and non-competitive adsorption/desorption …

Request PDF | Competitive and non-competitive adsorption/desorption of paraquat, diquat and difenzoquat in vineyard-devoted soils | Mobility of agrochemicals in soils plays an important role in ...

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Modelling competitive adsorption of organic

This work investigated the mechanisms of competitive OMP adsorption in wastewater and their modelling by use of the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) in …

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Effects of pH, organic acids, and competitive cations on …

Desorption of the adsorbed Hg 2+ in 0.01 M KCl (simulating soil solution) was minimal, but was significantly enhanced by the change of pH, and the presence of organic acids or competitive cations. The desorption of Hg 2+ in the soils

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Bluewaves Tech Solutions

Con nuestra línea de tanques Rostfrei, ofrecemos al mercado Peruano lo mejor para almacenamiento de agua en el mercado global: con tecnología de EE. UU., materia …

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Effects of pH and low molecular weight organic acids on competitive …

The bioavailability and ultimate fate of heavy metals in the environment are controlled by adsorption-desorption process. Batch equilibrium experiments were performed to assess the effects of pH and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) on competitive adsorption and desorption of cadmium and lead in paddy soils from China.

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Effects of pH, organic acids, and competitive cations on …

The effects of organic acids and competitive cations on Hg desorption in soil-water system are related to their concentrations, basic chemical properties, and soil properties.

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Competitive sorption and desorption behavior for three …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Competitive sorption and desorption behavior for three fluoroquinolone antibiotics in a wastewater treatment wetland soil." by J. Conkle et al.

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Competitive adsorption-desorption reactions of two …

Investigating the interactions of heavy metals is imperative for sustaining environment and human health. Among those, Cd is toxic for organisms at any concentration. While Ni acts as a micronutrient at very low concentration but is hazardous toxic above certain threshold value. In this study, the chemical adsorption and …

اقرأ المزيد

Competitive sorption and desorption behavior for three

Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2010, Jeremy L Conkle and others published Competitive sorption and desorption behavior for three fluoroquinolone antibiotics in a wastewater treatment wetland soil | Find ...

اقرأ المزيد

Competitive and non-competitive adsorption/desorption of paraquat

This study presents an attempt to understand the competitive and non-competitive adsorption/desorption of paraquat, diquat and difenzoquat in vineyard-devoted soils by applying different sets of batch experiments.

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Competitive adsorption of heavy metals in aqueous solution …

Heavy metals often coexist in contaminated wastewater systems and their competitive behavior could affect the adsorption capacity of biochar. Till now…

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Competitive sorption and desorption of heavy metals in …

This allowed us to know if native heavy metals in soils were released in the sorption and desorption experiments, and therefore if the background solution extracted the heavy metals already present in soils. Sorption and desorption data were fitted with Langmuir and Freundlich models [34].

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Competitive adsorption of heavy metals in different soils

Therefore, it should be known competitive adsorption mechanism of heavy metals in soils. Their relations with soil properties can help to develop an efficient way of tackling undesirable effects ...

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Competitive sorption-desorption kinetics of arsenate and …

adsorption were significantly reduced when PO4-3 concentrations in the soil solution increased. In addition, the relative sorption preference of AsO4-3 and PO4-3 did not exhibit changes with reaction time. Desorption and sequential extractions results indicated that a significant amount of AsO4-3 was irreversibly retained by all soils.

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Competitive adsorption and desorption of copper and …

Keywords competitive adsorption, desorption, copper, lead, soil 1 Introduction Rapidindustrializationand urbanizationhavebeenleading ... (pH 5.0) desorption solution was included in the experiment. 2.4 Adsorption and desorption of Pb(II) and Cu(II) in the mixed solutions

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Continuous Direct Lithium Extraction cDLE

Continuous Moving Packed Bed, or Continuous Fluid Bed, or Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, or Continuous Concentration Desorption

اقرأ المزيد

Competitive Adsorption and Subsequent Desorption of …

In this experiment we investigated the influence of various anions including oxalic acid encountered as solution phase in soil on the adsorption and desorption of sulfate in Chungwon Bt soil. The effect of chloride and nitrate on the adsorption of sulfate was not significant, suggesting that sulfate was better able to compete for adsorption …

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Competitive adsorption and desorption of glyphosate and …

Competitive adsorption of glyphosate and phosphate on goethite and gibbsite and on illite, montmorillonite and two kaolinites differing in surface area was evaluated.

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Competitive sorption and desorption of cadmium, lead, …

Desorption is as important as sorption from an ecological and economic perspective for possible remobilization and recycling of waste containing high amounts of PTMs. The percentages of contaminants released from peat, compost, and biochar by different desorption solutions are shown in Fig. 5 and Tables S5–S8.

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